
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Comment Spam!

Gee, Revolvoblog must now have gotten big enough (nearly 3 visits a DAY!) to make it a tempting target for a [string of foul expletive adjectives deleted--this IS a family blog, after all. Ed.] comment spammer to come by and litter the place. So, if you would like to leave a comment now, I've turned on the feature that makes you have to enter a code word. Sorry about that--it's an inconvenience, but not nearly so bad as having to deal with spammers.

ANYway, not much else in the way of news, other than I finally got around to switching out the lead from the voltmeter last night. For some reason, they hook it up to Terminal 13, which also has the turn signal flasher. So every time I turned on the blinker, the voltmeter would oscillate right along with it. No big deal, other than being distracting and annoying. With a tip from a Canadian poster on the Brickboard nicknamed Volvodad, I moved the voltmeter wire from Terminal 13 to Terminal 1. Much better!

The only hard part was figuring out which wire was the voltmeter. There were three wires on the terminal--voltmeter, turn signal, and seat belt warning light--and all were blue with a red strip. Obviously, the third one I tried was it. Wouldn't have been so bad except I decided to move the one in the very back first. Anyway, after a bit of trial and error, I figured it out. It also might have helped if I had realized that the wires going into the taped loom were probably NOT the ones to try, and the one that came snaking down from up at the top of the fuse panel was. D'oh!

Anyway, no posts for several days as dumb ol' work intervenes.


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