
Monday, October 03, 2005

Oil Change?

Oh, please.

I had such high hopes, you know. But the trip with my sweetie down to Montgomery on Saturday ate up the entire day, and then Sunday I found out that I had meetings to attend as well as budget numbers to come up with, so that was shot, too. ::sigh::

ON THE OTHER HAND, when we were dropping our oldest daughter out at the high school this morning, way up ahead of us I noticed a 240 pulling into the parking lot. As always, I said my normal, "LOOK! A VOLVO!" line to Reba, and kept an eye on it as it made the turn. Silver, and HEY! It has the old-style hubcaps like I've got!

Apparently someone else likes the old skool look, too! Turns out it was one of the teachers, and obviously, I WILL have to go back when I've got more time to palaver with him about slow square cars.

Anyway, maybe this afternoon I'll be able to play some...


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