
Monday, December 19, 2005

And what would photos be...

...without Volvos!?

Well, they'd be photos, that's what.

Anyway, since I was bringing the camera in with me today to experiment, I figured I might as well get some pictures on the way in to work. Sunday and today were as gloriously bright and sunny as Saturday had been dim and dreary, so it's been a nice little picker-upper to see the sunshine as it is meant to be seen.

This is the first part of the jaunt on I-459 out in Truss Vegas--

A particularly lucky catch this morning was this guy I see every once in a while who drives an old Mercedes 240D. As you recall, this was they type of car I had been interested in to kick off the I Am A Moron Project, and this guy's car in particular is one that made me want one. I just took the photo from the rear, though, because people tend to get weirded out when you pull up beside them and take their picture. I mean, I assume they would...

I hit a particularly good seam of traffic this morning--there is about a ten minute window there where you miss the early and the late traffic. It leaves you with a nice open road ahead

--but if you leave five minutes later than normal, and it's bumper to bumper all the way. Like these poor folks behind me:

By the way--this is what speed you can drive when you hit the seam:

The only reason I really took that is so I can mention I got a nice GT horn pad for the steering wheel. Why? Who knows. Other than it looks pretty cool.

Anyway, as I said, it's a very pretty day today.


Blogger The Grouchy Old Yorkie Lady said...

You are insane!! The people behind you are driving bumper to bumper because you are farting around with a camera taking picture when you should be driving!!!

At 60+ MPH no less.

Boys. Different species.

January 20, 2006 1:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PLEASE! It sounds so much better to say "nearly 70" than "60+". I do have my pride, after all.

As for insanity, I'll have you know I had both hands on the steering wheel for the vast majority of the time. And since it was morning, I was actually awake, which is much different than when I go home in the evenings.

January 20, 2006 1:11 PM  

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